April 25, 2024, Brussels, Belgium (In person only)
AI-driven processes represent an important tool for innovation in healthcare and related research, These technologies have allowed new methods of diagnosis, treatment, and research to be envisaged and developed. In addition, AI-based tools are allowing traditional administrative and management processes to be refined, saving resources and improving efficiency.Whilst having immense potential, such changes do not come without concerns. The widespread use of AI has traditionally become associated with problems relating to robustness, fairness and bias. In the domain of healthcare and related research, the potential for harm related to such concerns is in many cases amplified. Furthermore, many are worried about the intrusion of questionable commercial practices or the potential for increased concentration of economic power.
Following on the success of HELT 2023, the VUB’s Health & Ageing Law Lab (HALL) will explore these themes in this second edition of the HELT symposium. It will invite speakers and representative stakeholders across healthcare and research ecosystems, allowing the multidisciplinary nature of these issues to be explored.
Keynote Speaker
Pēteris Zilgalvis
Judge at the General Court
Member of the AI Management Board of the Court of Justice
Member of the Editorial Board of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law
Member of the World Economic Forum Digital Currency Governance Consortium
Member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Blockchain Expert Policy Advisory Board
PANEL 1 AI & Healthcare
AI applications are becoming increasingly integral to the provision of healthcare and medical research. This panel will explore the existing regulatory landscape of AI applications, along with the remaining ethical and legal challenges, as well as the role of the AI Act in addressing them. Speakers representing patients, healthcare professionals and institutions, regulators, and policy-makers will share their experiences and perspectives.

Panel 2 AI & Research using Health Data
AI has the potential to significantly enhance health research by enabling faster and more precise analysis and identification of patterns within expansive and complex datasets. This panel brings together experts at the forefront of AI and health research to delve into the transformative impact of AI on the prospective landscape of research using health data. It seeks to discuss prevailing challenges, and explore potential ways for optimizing the utilization of AI in the domain of health research.

Panel 3 How will the European Health Data Space (EHDS) shape AI governance in the health sector?
As the first sector-specific regulation of the EU's data strategy, it is the objective of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) to make more health data available for innovation, research, and policymaking. This panel will explore the potential implications of the EHDS is a world where AI driven processes are available to bring about transformative changes using electronic health data.

Panel 4 AI as a Disruptive Force in the Regulation of Healthcare and Related Research
AI may be far more than an agent for change in the way health data is used, rather it is likely to be a force of immense disruption. This disruption will call into question the way data is collected and shared and the very systems designed to regulate the use of health data and associated technologies. This panel will discuss to what extent current regulatory and other structural paradigms will remain fit for purpose in the coming decades.

Breakout Session
Innovation and Regulation: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Are you looking to have an engaging interlude in the afternoon? Join the HELT breakout session at SPARKS’ Balcony Room (1st floor). This exclusive gathering offers a unique opportunity for participants to follow a series of bite-sized presentations delivered by representatives from universities, research institutions and companies, who will be sharing experiences from their respective fields and contributing unique perspectives on key issues surrounding AI, digital health and digital policy.
This session also serves as a platform for networking, discussing project ideas and establishing partnerships with people having a shared passion for advancing research and development of innovative health technologies. Do not miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and become part of a vibrant community at the forefront of AI in medical research and healthcare.
If you are interested in presenting at the HELT breakout session, or if you would like more information about how you could be promoting your work, project, or business at the event, please contact Oğuzhan Yeşiltuna at Oguzhan.Yesiltuna@vub.be.
HELT & European Health and Pharma Law Review (EHPL)
We are happy to share that this year, the HELT Symposium is supported by the European Health and Pharma Law Review (EHPL) – the journal of the Lexxion Publisher. The EHPL has been one of the most recognisable forums for the development and research in pharmaceutical and health law. The journal published cutting-edge research from across the health law space, including topics related to medical devices, artificial intelligence, digital health and big data.
We invite attendees of the HELT NETWORKING SESSION to submit their research to the EHPL. The journal's call for papers outlines the publication process and should answer any questions you may have. If you are interested in submitting an abstract or paper please get in touch with the Executive Editor, Jakob McKernan mckernan@lexxion.eu>.


60 Ravenstein street, 1000 Brussels, Belgium,
1 minute walking distance from the Central Station
Domestic and international access
- North station : 5 min public transport
- Midi station : 5 min public transport
- Zaventem Aerport : 20 min by car & 25 min by public transport
Regional and local access
- Bus STIB 29, 38, 63, 65, 66, 71, 86: Central station | 1 min walking distance
- Tram 92, 93: Palais | 5 min walking distance
- Tram 3, 4, 32: Bourse | 10 min walking distance
- Metro 1, 5: Central Station | 1 min walking distance
For visitors who are interested in our symposium, you can register via the registration form.