The development of AI is inevitably affected by data policies, as the effectiveness and accuracy of AI-based systems depend on the availability and accessibility of high-quality and diverse datasets, including a large amount of health data. As the first sector-specific regulation of the EU's data strategy, it is the objective of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) to make more health data available for innovation, research, and policymaking.
As part of this, the EHDS proposal recognizes the training, testing, and evaluation of algorithms as one of the purposes for the secondary use of electronic health data. In the meantime, AI-powered applications and devices generate a vast amount of health data, which can also be fed back into the data-sharing ecosystem. This panel will explore the potential implications of the EHDS is a world where AI driven processes are available to bring about transformative changes using electronic health data.
Panel Speakers
Paul Quinn
Professor Paul Quinn is the director of the Health and Ageing Law Lab (HALL). He is an expert on legal and ethical issues related to the use of health data, both in healthcare and scientific research. He participates in numerous international and national research consortia that are delivering cutting-edge research on these issues. Paul is also an expert on issues relating to stigmatization and discrimination, having written a thesis and published a monograph in this area. Before becoming a legal scholar, he trained as a barrister in the UK. Paul specializes in multi-disciplinary research, having a degree in biochemistry in addition to his legal qualifications. He is also a member of the University Hospital Ethics Committee for Research and the university’s Ethical Committee for Social Science Research.
Nikolaus Forgó
Nikolaus Forgó is a professor of IT- and IP Law at the University of Vienna, Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law. Since July 2018, Nikolaus has become an expert member of the Data Protection Council of the Republic of Austria. Nikolaus devotes himself to extensive dogmatic and third-party funded research for European, German and Austrian clients regarding questions of IT law, in particular data protection and data security law. He also has abundant experience in evaluation and consulting activities i.a. for the European Commission, the German Research Foundation, the German Ethics Council as well as various German and Austrian ministries.
Ralf Bendrath
Ralf Bendrath is an adviser for civil liberties, justice and home affairs for Greens/EFA in the European Parliament. He hacked the Commodore C-64 in the eighties, studied political science with a focus on security policy and information warfare in the nineties, and researched internet privacy and data protection in the 2000s at universities in Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.S. Since 2009, he has been working in the European Parliament, including as adviser for the chief negotiator on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). He was involved in the negotiations on both the Artificial Intelligence Act and the European Health Data Space, among other digital files
Sofie De Broe
Sofie De Broe is Scientific Director (A.I.) for the Data Governance at Sciensano. She holds a PhD in statistics/reproductive health from the University of Southampton and was head of methodology and scientific director of the Center for Big Data Statistics (CBDS) at Statistics Netherlands.
Fenneke Buskermolen
Fenneke Buskermolen is a Legal Officer in the Policy & Consultation Unit at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). She contributes to the work of the EDPS on providing advice to the EU legislators on legislative and policy proposals that concern the processing of personal data, and the participation of the EDPS as a member of the EDPB. Prior to joining the EDPS, Fenneke advised on data protection and cyber security issues as a lawyer. Fenneke also has experience as a Policy Officer in the European Commission, working on the ePrivacy Directive and proposed ePrivacy Regulation.
More information about panel speakers will be updated soon.
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