The list includes selected publications relating to HALL members’ variety of research subjects and academic areas of interest. To view an extended list of publications from individual group members, please visit the HALL Members page. Besides publishing scholarly work in the peer-reviewed literature, HALL members also share research insights in the HALL Blog, discussing critical issues around law, health and technology.
Fabcic Povse, D. (2024). Challenges of remote patient care technologies under the General Data Protection Regulation: Preliminary results of the TeNDER project. In I. G. Cohen, D. Kramer, J. Adler-Milstein, & C. Shachar (Eds.), Digital health care outside of traditional clinical settings: Ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges and opportunities (1st ed., pp. 38-49). Cambridge University Press. [Overview]
Li, W., & Quinn, P. (2024). The European Health Data Space: An expanded right to data portability? Computer Law & Security Review, 52, 105913. [Overview] [PDF]
Povse, D. F., Favenza, A., Frey, D., Mann, Z. A., Palomares, A., Piatti, L., & Schroers, J. (2024). Data protection challenges in distributed ledger and blockchain technologies: A combined legal and technical analysis. In N. El Madhoun, I. Dionysiou, & E. Bertin (Eds.) Building Cybersecurity Applications with Blockchain and Smart Contracts. Signals and Communication Technology (pp. 127-152). Springer, Cham.
Povse, D. F., Favenza, A., Frey, D., Mann, Z. A., Palomares, A., Piatti, L., & Schroers, J. (2024). Solutions to data protection challenges in distributed ledger and blockchain technologies: A combined legal and technical Approach. In N. El Madhoun, I. Dionysiou, & E. Bertin (Eds.) Building Cybersecurity Applications with Blockchain and Smart Contracts. Signals and Communication Technology (pp. 153-181). Springer, Cham.
Povse, D. F., & Quinn, P. (2024). Standards for including scientific evidence in restrictions on freedom of movement: The case of EU Covid certificates scheme. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1-14. [Overview] [PDF]
Quinn, P., Ellyne, E. E., & Yao, C. (2024). Will the GDPR restrain health data access bodies under the European Health Data Space (EHDS)? Computer Law & Security Review, 54, 105993. [Overview]
Fabcic Povse, D. (2023). A critical look at science-based policy-making during the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of EU Covid passes and lessons learned for the future. Population medicine, 5(supplement), 472-473. [Overview] [PDF]
Fabcic Povse, D. (2023). How including scientific evidence in legal decision-making can help us answer questions in public health law. Case study: Justifiability and proportionality of discrimination in EU Digital Covid Certificates. Population medicine, 5(Supplement), 475. [Overview] [PDF]
Gkotsopoulou, O. (2023). Accessibility statements and data protection notices: What can data protection law learn from the concept of accessibility? In F. Bieker, J. Meyer, S. Pape, I. Schiering, & A. Weich (Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management: (Vol. 671). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 184–197). Springer. [Overview] [PDF]
Kiseleva, A., & de Miguel Beriain, I. (2023). What will become of our health data when we die? The European Health Data Space might have an answer. European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review, 7(1), 16-28. [Overview]
Matsumi, H., Hallinan, D., Dimitrova, D., Kosta, E., & de Hert, P. (2023). Data protection and privacy in transitional times. Hart Publishing. [Overview]
Fabcic Povse, D. (2022). Are covid certificates a proportionate measure to restrict freedom of movement during the omicron wave? In Proceedings of the Eighth European Health Law Conference (pp. 153-154). Eighth Conference on European Health Law, Book of Abstracts. [Overview]
Gkotsopoulou, O. (2022). The Cyber-Trust paradigm of procedural aspects for cybersecurity research impact assessment. In G. Sarsgyan, D. Kavallieros, & N. Kolokotronis (Eds.), Security technologies and methods for advanced cyber threat intelligence, Detection and Mitigation (1st. ed., pp. 14-23). NOW. [Overview]
Gonzalez Fuster, G., Ausloos, J., Bons, D., Bygrave, L. A., da Rosa Lazarotto, B., Drechsler, L., Gkotsopoulou, O., Hristov, C., Irion, K., Jasmontaite, L., Kroese, C., Lynskey, O., & Magierska, M. (2022). The right to lodge a data protection complaint: OK, but then what? An empirical study of current practices under the GDPR. Access Now. [Overview] [PDF]
Kiseleva, A., Kotzinos, D., & de Hert, P. (2022). Transparency of AI in healthcare as a multilayered system of accountabilities: Between legal requirements and technical limitations. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, 1-21. [Overview] [PDF]
Bilali, G., Kavallieros, D., Kokkinis, G., Kolovos, P., Katsoulis, D., Anatolitis, T., Georgiou, N., Kolokotronis, N., Gkotsopoulou, O., Pavue, C., Cuomo, S., Naldini, S., Shiaeles, S., & Sargsyan, G. (2021). Cyber-Trust: Meeting the needs of information sharing between ISPs and LEAs. In B. Akhgar, D. Kavallieros, & E. Sdongos (Eds.), Technology development for security practitioners (1st ed., pp. 73-95). Springer. [Overview] [PDF]
Borocz, I. M., & Gkotsopoulou, O. (2021). Between masks and curfews: Critical synopsis of the guidance issued by national supervisory authorities on analogue and digital body temperature measurement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the EU. Privacy in Germany, 2021(1). [Overview]
Fabcic Povse, D. (2021). Strong customer authentication in online payments under GDPR and PSD2: A case of cumulative application. In M. Friedewald, S. Schiffner, & S. Krenn (Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management: (Vol. 619). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 78-95). Springer. [Overview] [PDF]
Gkotsopoulou, O., & Quinn, P. (2021). Data protection and privacy issues of the Internet of Things. In S. Shiaeles & N. Kolokotronis (Eds.), Internet of Things, threats, landscape, and countermeasures (1st ed., pp. 1-46). CRC Press. [Overview]
Kiseleva, A. (2021). AI as a medical device: Is it enough to ensure performance transparency and accountability? Between the Medical Devices Framework and the General AI Regulation. In H. Jacquemin (Ed.), Time to reshape the digital society: 40th anniversary of the CRIDS 2021 (1st ed., pp. 423-439). Larcier. [Overview] [PDF]
Kiseleva, A., & de Hert, P. (2021). Creating a European Health Data Space: Obstacles in four key legal areas. European Pharmaceutical Law Review, 5(1), 21-36. [Overview]
Kiseleva, A., & Quinn, P. (2021). Are you AI’s favourite? EU legal implications of biased AI systems in clinical genetics and genomics. European Pharmaceutical Law Review, 5(4), 155-174. [Overview]
Kumar, A., & de Hert, P. (2021). Blockchain, privacy, and data protection. In O. Pollicino, & G. De Gregorio (Eds.), Blockchain and public law: Global challenges in the era of decentralisation (1st ed., pp. 140-156). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd [Overview]
Kuner, C., & Gkotsopoulou, O. (2021). Article 9. Processing of special categories of personal data. In The EU General Data Protection Regulation: A commentary/update of selected articles (pp. 79-86). Oxford University Press. [Overview]
Quinn, P. (2021). Research under the GDPR–a level playing field for public and private sector research? Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 17(1), 1-33. [Overview] [PDF]
Quinn, P., & Malgieri, G. (2021). The difficulty of defining sensitive data—The concept of sensitive data in the EU Data Protection Framework. German Law Journal, 22(8), 1583-1612. [Overview] [PDF]
Kumar, A. (2020). The right to be forgotten in digital age: A comparative study of the Indian Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 & the GDPR. Shimla Law Review, Volume II, 75-100. [Overview] [PDF]
Mantovani, E., Borocz, I. M., & de Hert, P. (2020). Conducting research with school children and data in line with “ethical principles” lawyers at work in the ethics management of the H2020 mathisis project. Computer Law & Security Review, 38, 105451. [Overview] [PDF]
Gkotsopoulou, O., Charalambous, E., Limniotis, K., Quinn, P., Kavallieros, D., Sargsyan, G., Shiaeles, S., & Kolokotronis, N. (2019). Data protection by design for cybersecurity systems in a smart home environment. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (pp. 101-109). Paris, France: IEEE. [Overview]
Kolokotronis, N., Shiaeles, S., Bellini, E., Charalambous, L., Kavallieros, D., Gkotsopoulou, O., Pavue, C., Bellini, A., & Sargsyan, G. (2019). Cyber-trust: The shield for IoT cyber-attacks. In I. Linkov, L. Roslycky, & B. D. Trump (Eds.), Resilience and hybrid threats: (Vol. 55). Security and integrity for the digital world (pp. 76-93). IOS Press. [Overview]
Mendes Roda, S. J. (2019). Secondary access to European passenger name records. In E. Schweighofer, F. Kummer, & A. Saarenpää (Eds.), Internet of Things- Proceedings of the 22nd International Legal Infomatics Symposium IRIS 2019 (February ed., pp. 127-136). Bern: Editions Weblaw. [Overview]
Quinn, P. (2019). Stigma, state expressions and the law: Implications of freedom of speech. London: Routledge. [Overview]
Malgieri, G. (2018). R.I.P.: Rest in Privacy or Rest in (Quasi-)Property? Personal data protection of deceased data subjects between theoretical scenarios and national solutions. In R. Leenes, R. Van Brakel, S. Gutwirth, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Data protection and privacy: The internet of bodies (1st ed., pp. 300-320). Hart Publishing. [Overview]
Mantovani, E., Quinn, P., & de Hert, P. (2018). Stereotyping and “other forms of discrimination” in the Chicago Declaration on the Rights of Older Persons and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. In I. Doron, & N. Georgantzi (Eds.), Aging, ageism and law in Europe: European perspectives on the rights of older person (pp. 116-145). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [Overview]
Matsumi, Y. (2018). Predictions and privacy: Should there be rules about using personal data to forecast the future? Cumberland Law Review, 48, 149-210 [Overview] [PDF]
Quinn, P. (2018). Crisis communication in public health emergencies: The limits of ‘legal control’ and the risks for harmful outcomes in a digital age. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 14(1), 4. [Overview] [PDF]