On 6th May at 14:00, Dr. Andrea Martani will visit the Health and Ageing Law Lab (HALL) and share his research titled "Opt-in vs opt-out for secondary health data usage in biomedical research: can the European Health Data Space learn from Switzerland?".
As agreements on the European Health Data Space regulation are being finalised, one of the most contentious issues of negotiation remains the choice of rules for secondary data processing of health and genetic data. A compromise seems to be reached, in that for normal health data individuals will be guaranteed the right to opt-out from secondary processing, whilst for genetic data opt-in will be applied. Is this choice appropriate? Can this differential set of requirements work in practice? In this session, Andrea will reflect on these issues, drawing from the experience of Swiss law, which has had such a legal setup already for the last 10 years.
Short bio of Andrea: Andrea is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics of the University of Basel and Research Associate at the VU Amsterdam. He has a background both in normative legal research, but also empirical (qualitative and quantitative) studies in bioethics. His expertise is in the analysis of how legal rules and policies in the biomedical field are chosen and justified based on normative-empirico consideration by lawmakers.