István Böröcz
István Böröcz, LLM is a researcher at the research group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS). He is a member of the Health & Ageing Law Lab (HALL), a spinoff group within LSTS. He obtained his LLM in Law and Technology at Tilburg University (2016) and his postgraduate specialist diploma in information and communication technology law at the University of Pécs (2015). He obtained his law degree (JD) at the University of Pécs (2013). His research interests cover the notion of the privacy of the mind along with the legal, theoretical, and practical issues of Human Enhancement Technologies, with special focus on cognitive enhancement. In particular, he focuses on technologies which passively read and actively affect the human brain and, respectively, the mind both within and outside the field of health care.
He is involved and provides legal assistance in several EU co-funded research projects, such as ARC, LOCARD, PERSONA, STAR, INTREPID, MaTHiSiS, FORENSOR, HR-Recycler, SUCCESS or PARENT. These projects target a range of areas, such as law enforcement, technology-induced education, human-robot interaction, smart cities, or helping the work of data protection authorities.
He is a member of the ethical advisory board of the Horizon2020 project CUIDAR. He is also an editor of the World Law Dictionary, developed by TransLegal Sweden AB.
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