Eugenio Mantovani
Eugenio Mantovani (LLM, male) is a legal researcher whose main academic interest lays at the crossroads between ageing societies, techno-scientific innovation, and the human rights of older persons. On one hand, his research delves on e-ageing and the legal bonds and factors stemming from the law on privacy and personal data protection which need to be taken into consideration when ICT for Ageing solutions to support personal autonomy in later life are proposed. This research trajectory has led Eugenio to study, the privacy interests of older persons in the information society. On the other, the study of ageing has paved the way to further research on the human rights status of older persons and in the contiguous areas of e-health and m-health. In both areas, Eugenio has published articles delving on the specification of the rights of older persons, and on issues such as informed consent, privacy, data protection, medical device regulations. Eugenio has a long track of engagement with European (FP7 and H2020) and national (INNOVIRIS) projects, where he performs the role of ethical and legal manager.
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1050 Brussels