Audrey Van Scharen
Audrey Van Scharen, is Data Protection Officer for the National Belgian Council of doctors. She graduated Master in Laws and Master in Political Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In 2015, she obtained her Data Protection Officer certificate at the Data Protection Institute Belgium. In the past she reviewed European projects as an independent Ethics Expert to the European Commission.
She is vice-president of the Medical Ethics Committee University Hospital of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Mandated by the Ethics Committee, she is also member of several working groups of the Belgian Government on informed consent procedures in clinical trials, the implementation of the Medical Device Regulation in Belgium, GDPR implementation in university hospitals and on the use of human body material and biobanks. As an affiliated Professor to the Faculty of Health and Pharmacy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, she will be teaching Bioethics together with Prof. dr. Deneyer.
Recently she started as a PhD researcher at the Law, Science, Technology and Society research group of the Vrije UniversiteitBrussel, where she will prepare a doctoral thesis under supervision of Prof. dr. Paul De Hert in the area of data protection, health legislation and ethics frameworks.