In November 2023, Anastasiya Kiseleva spoke at the VG dagen Conference that took place in Almere, the Netherlands. VG Dagen is the Dutch Congress for Social Security Physicians with hundreds of participants.
Anastasiya gave two speeches: ‘AI in Healthcare and Social Security: Legal and Ethical Perspectives’ and ‘Transparency of AI in Healthcare and Social Security: What Users Should and Want to Know?’
In the first speech, she focused on whether the already existing legal framework addresses the main issues of the development and use of AI in the medical sector: lack of transparency, safety and quality control, and accountability allocation. The number of policy solutions to address the challenges at different levels is constantly growing. Only in October 2023 the relevant guidelines and orders were issued by the WHO, the US President, and the G7. The AI Act Proposal continues to be heavily discussed to facilitate its adoption. However, AI medical applications are being placed on the market both in the EU and the US. It is possible because the EU Medical Devices Regulation provides a rather elaborate set of tools to regulate software and AI medical solutions, and it is absolutely necessary to be aware of them. Such awareness is especially important in this new AI wave called Chat-GPT, where we may face new regulatory and compliance problems, even before solving the previous ones.
The second talk was in the form of the workshop and focused on the topic of algorithmic opacity - the inherent challenge of trustworthy and reliable use of the technology. The destiny of an AI application – to be applied in clinical settings or not – is initially defined by the AI provider and then finally decided by controlling authorities. The destiny of outcomes suggested by an AI application – to be implemented in the specific patient’s case or not – is decided by healthcare professionals. To make such an important decision and assess the relevant risks, users must be properly informed. In her presentation, Anastasiya provided guidance on what kind of informing obligations AI providers already have under the existing legal framework (the EU Medical Devices Regulation) and if such obligations sufficiently address the transparency needs of healthcare professionals applying AI-powered solutions.
Check the program of the conference: